10 things to not do while travelling – learn from my mistakes
To make your travels just a little bit easier, here are 10 things I learnt the hard way - are never a good idea when travelling. There...

Part 2 - 17 More Ways to Beat Homesickness While Travelling.
Welcome to part two of my blog on techniques to beat homesickness while on the road. Don’t worry everyone feels down sometimes. Check out...

How to survive a long haul flight – 8 practical tips to avoid being an economy zombie.
In my 6 years on the road my most impressive single leg involved surviving 44 hours door to door including three economy flights (2 long...

13 Avoidable Mistakes of Beginner Backpackers
So you’re all packed and ready to go, flights are booked and you think you will just sail off into a life of eternal summer holidays…...

Couchsurfing Part 2: Getting The Host You Want & Being The Best Surfer They Have Ever Had.
In the second part of our couchsurfing series we'll cover a range of tips on finding and appealing to a couchsurfing host along with the...